
Me as a tall person

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Forum: Do physicians have a role in forming public opinion about health care reform?

As a radiologist, I greatly benefit from the current system. Every day I read xrays that are unnecessary, ordered by paranoid midlevels and primary care docs who can't afford to spend 30 minutes with their patients finding out what is really the matter. I get comfortable on the MRIs and CTs and petCTs ordered by oncologists every 3 months for 85 year old patients who should refuse further treatment. Meanwhile, the same old folks are paying $300/month for essential cardiac drugs (or not filling their scrips because of the cost) and I cannot get an appointment for a checkup or mammogram because all the smart kids went into fetal psychiatric oncology or finance.

A sensible single payer national health plan would get me a primary doc who has the time to listen to my little complaints, pay for my essential meds, and make me more likely to seek help when I am thinking my problems are too trivial to bother with.

My neighbors are all 1 illness away from the poorhouse and I care about them. We on earth are a community of neighbors. Life is more fun when we look after each other. Those who do not feel this way are missing out on a great part of being a human.

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