
Me as a tall person

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Forum: Do physicians have a role in forming public opinion about health care reform?

As a radiologist, I greatly benefit from the current system. Every day I read xrays that are unnecessary, ordered by paranoid midlevels and primary care docs who can't afford to spend 30 minutes with their patients finding out what is really the matter. I get comfortable on the MRIs and CTs and petCTs ordered by oncologists every 3 months for 85 year old patients who should refuse further treatment. Meanwhile, the same old folks are paying $300/month for essential cardiac drugs (or not filling their scrips because of the cost) and I cannot get an appointment for a checkup or mammogram because all the smart kids went into fetal psychiatric oncology or finance.

A sensible single payer national health plan would get me a primary doc who has the time to listen to my little complaints, pay for my essential meds, and make me more likely to seek help when I am thinking my problems are too trivial to bother with.

My neighbors are all 1 illness away from the poorhouse and I care about them. We on earth are a community of neighbors. Life is more fun when we look after each other. Those who do not feel this way are missing out on a great part of being a human.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I want single payer government run health care

After angering the liberal wing of her party over compromises made to conservative Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has decided to allow a floor vote later this year on a plan creating a single-payer government-financed health care program.


My friend K posted:

As far as I understand it, this type of system is not working in other countries and we lose our freedom to pay for services that are not covered under the proposed plan.

And I said:

In Canada, France, and other countries, the total health care bill is 1/2 of ours, they live longer, are healthier, and provide coverage for rich and poor alike. What services are you looking for that you fear might not be covered? I believe there are no essential ones.

And K said:

The people that I know that live in Canada come here for services because there is a long waiting list to have procedures done. I am concerned about this. As for the services that are not covered...that is not what I mean. Now, people can opt to pay for an MRI if their insurance does not cover it because a doctor will not authorize it. As I understand it, we will no longer have that option. I think freedom of choice is important in our society. I am trying to learn more about the proposed plan.

And I replied:

We currently have the freedom to pay for services that are not covered by our insurance, including our medications. Many people cannot afford their medications, which easily run $300/month for common conditions such as heart trouble.


In addition, very few of us can afford to pay out of pocket for a lung transplant although we certainly do have the "freedom" to pay for services that private insurance might not cover. Having the freedom to pay for services means little to those without the money to buy even minimal coverage.


"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose," words and lyrics by Kris Kristofferson made famous by Janis Joplin.

And K said:

I believe that people should be covered, but I do not think the government should be in the business of healthcare, auto industry and banking. We are becoming a socialized government, and that is NOT what the founding founders meant us to be, nor a society that I want to live in. I work hard for my money and I do not think that I should have to pay for insurance for those less fortunate. I guess we will agree to disagree.

And I said:

We pay health bills for our elderly. Is that socialism?

And K said:

The government takes my income to help pay for that. I do not like that either - however it was one thing they did. Now they are trying to take over many aspects of our lives...that is socialism.

And I:

They torture and kill with my money. Better to employ and heal.

And K:

You have a point there...

Wow. I feel like I won an argument for the first time in my life. I sure hope K never has to find out how really crappy her health insurance can be.

My friends are mostly Christians. I really wonder what they are hearing in church. It doesn't resemble Christianity, that's for sure. Of course my friend Gordon is a Christian too. He is in Honduras donating his time to provide medical care to the poor as he has done year after year.