
Me as a tall person

Monday, March 22, 2010

Michael Moore

I am trying to learn to use this blog place better. I find out that Michael Moore does not have a subscribable blog. He wrote this today:

Check it out.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Public News, Private News

What do you think when you hear an NPR finance anchor ask a guest commentator “In the interest of full disclosure, do you work for or own any of the stocks we discussed?” If you are a cynic, you think: if he likes that stock, why doesn’t he buy it? It should mean that the guy is not telling you it’s a good buy so he will make money when the listeners buy it and its value goes up. It is an honor system that he is telling the truth.

While we may choose to believe or not believe NPR or PBS when they tell us the statements they extract from their guests are objective, we do not get that option from non-public news sources. From NBC to Fox, the commercial stations offer us interviews with experts on all sorts of subjects. During the Bush war cheerleading days, we heard retired generals evaluate military strategies. No one asked them to disclose their ties to arms manufacturers and contractors. Most recently, Tom Ridge, once Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security, suggested as a TV talking head that President Obama promote nuclear energy. He was not asked by MSBNC’s anchor to disclose that he has earned more than half a million dollars serving on the board of the US’ largest nuclear power company.

Yesterday I heard a presentation by David Warlick. He is a history teacher who has reinvented his career in a neat and geeky way. He seeks to redefine literacy. His New Literacy means not that you can read the page or add the columns, not that you can commit Google on the internet, but that you can vet information, understand you need to question everything, and know how to learn what you need to learn.

So the old folks sit in front of the TV and don't question the statements of a retired general testifying before Congress that a massacre in the Balkans was caused by attitudes about gay Dutch soldiers (huh?). (The Dutch deny it. Who knows where the idea came from.) Would the kids question such a statement if they are Century 21 Literate kids? I hope so.

Until the kids are in charge, perhaps we should think of information as either public or private. There might be truth or fabrication in either but at least today, I know I need to ask and I know a bit more about how to find out.

(C) 2010.03

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My column Feb 10

Editor: Reset Mindset

I am on my local school board and on my BOCES board. It’s Budget Season and we are trying to crunch numbers that we made crumbs of last year. We have heard from our accountants, auditors, legislators, and lobbyists that the scarcity of state funding we face is bad, will be much worse next year when stimulus money is gone, and may never get better.

At every legislative conference we discuss unfunded mandates, what state, federal, local, or NYSED law tells us we have to provide to our students and schools but does not give us a bag of gold to pay for. Unfunded mandates are misnamed: they are indeed funded, in NY by our property taxes. I cannot explain in 500 or 5000 words the fairness or efficacy of education funding but do think it is time for smart people to come up with some better ideas. In my district we lost out on grants to decrease class size because we already had small classes. Now, that is about the only place we can look for savings. Meanwhile, we are required to have a principal in every school building.

I believe small classes are good for kids. I believe teachers should make enough to be middle class. I believe music, art, and phys ed should be taught by specifically trained and certified teachers and that these subjects are critically important in child development. I don’t believe it is a good thing to return to what I experienced: overcrowded classrooms, special subjects taught by a classroom teacher with a tambourine, a jump rope, and construction paper, disabled children imprisoned in state hospitals.

I remember my 5th grade teacher: she looked 75. There were 40 kids in the room and they gave her an assistant in the afternoon. She would send one of us to the water fountain with a paper cup, take 2 aspirins, and fall asleep at her desk. I recall her wispy white wig slipping down over her forehead but that can’t have really happened, can it? The classroom mayhem was not educational and I hope we never return to an era when teachers cannot afford to retire.

The PTA issue here is what we are experiencing in our units. Our cash strapped schools expect us to come up with money for computers, books, field trips, playgrounds, receptions, awards, music competition registrations, band instruments, sheet music, prom parties, yearbooks, photographs, honor society, team uniforms, band uniforms, and on and on. None of these is essential for our kids’ education and all of them enrich their lives. None of these are appropriately provided by the PTA and most of them at one time or another are. PTA is a cash cow and should not be.

Meanwhile, membership is down everywhere.

At Founders Day, we played parlor games. One of the games consisted of a quiz to determine personality type. The types were given the name of a color. I was green: bossy, action oriented, always right. We met in groups by color and had to come up with a story. The green team’s story: Some day there will be a PTA that advocates for children, educates parents, and isn’t a bank. The End. What if we all stuck to the Three-to-One rule: one fundraiser for 3 PTA mission-oriented programs? We would get volunteer speakers, we would give 40 people coffee and cookies, we would stop buying a mug and meal for every appreciated teacher every year. We would have to raise $600 per year. The parents complaining about sending $3.50 per person to State and National PTA and clamoring for a PTO could run their own candle sales to fund the playground and the other programs the school should pay for and deal with the liability on their own. And to learn leadership and advocacy, what parenting is about, the importance of arts in education and good health, and community involvement, the PTO parents would join PTA.

From The Beacon, the newsletter of Western Region PTA. Copyright 2010.